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This electoral area : Ardsley and Robin Hood Electorate :17463
Turnout : 28.1 %
Spoilt papers : 30
Surname | Forename | Votes | Elected | Description |
Daley | R | 249 | Green Party | |
Dove | L | 596 | UK I P | |
Foster | M | 1238 | The Conservative Party Candidate | |
Leadley | T | 798 | Independent | |
Mulherin | L | 1738 | ELECTED | Labour Co-operative Party |
Ward | B | 225 | Liberal Democrats | |
Whetstone | D | 28 | Social Democratic Party |
Following on from the success from last years local school unifor swap, Marion and Diane are ready to do it again!

This is your eary warning- donate any school uniforms that are in good condition and see if there is anything your children can use next term
Save fortune and plan early, we all know how quickly our little angels grow!
The WAAG initiative to make our local roads safer has seen the new speed indicator sign installed on Batley Road. Our school children walk along the narrow footpaths on Batley Road and local residents have reported to WAAG their concerns and experiences with regards to speeding traffic on this road.
The new speed sign provides a very effective reminder to East bound traffic of the local speed limit. It has been strategically positioned on a section the of road, which is to be included in the proposed new 20mph zone and can easily be recalibrated accordingly.
Peter Cowling
Chairman WAAG

Following the meeting held to discuss the 20mph order, WAAG have now prepared the attached representation to be submitted to LCC regarding the new 20mph order.
We would urge any resident who would like to use this, and or, forward it with an endorsement with their own submission/presentation to Mr J Levine via the email address shown on our website.
Please request an acknowledgement of your email.
It would be very useful for our follow up if you would copy
SL0319 Ardsley & Robin Hood Ward 20MPH Scheme
Ref. A76/JL/SL031 9 – Hill Top.
Dear Sirs
Re the above ref. Order:
I write to you on behalf of West Ardsley Action Group with regard to our concerns regarding the above order.
While we do not object to the principle of the above ref. order we would ask you to consider an amendment to the zone plan.
This Order replaces Order no. SL1218 that was advertised on 15 June 2018.
West Ardsley Action Group had consulted with local residents regarding the SL1218 Order and it was discussed at a public meeting on 19th June 2018. WAAG along with others forwarded their concerns about the plan not including critical sections of road and the Order was subsequently withdrawn.
The new plan has addressed one of the major concerns raised to the previous order and partly addressed another.
- Haigh Moor Road, which has now been included.
We refer to LCC Statement of Reasons Haigh Moor Road has been included in this Order following receipt of requests to do so from a number of local requests to the previously advertised order. lt is considered that the inclusion of Haigh Moor Road is consistent with the Council’s Safer Roads Action Plan aimed at reducing road casualties, given that the road forms part of the School route and that there are residential properties in the vicinity.
- Batley Road East
We refer to the start/finish point of the 20mph zone on the Eastern end of Batley road. In the previous plan this was at the Woolin Avenue junction. In WAAGS proposal to this we put a case forward to reposition as follows.
There is a blind summit on approaching from the East side of the village where Redhill Drive joins Batley Road. We would suggest the 20mph zone should start/finish approx. 20/30mtrs to the East side of this junction. At school times the road immediately to the West side of the summit up to close by the local school has a large amount of traffic parked causing a virtual closure of the carriageway. Any traffic approaching from the east has a restricted view of this oncoming traffic and thus speed is critical.
The above re-positioning WAAG proposed was based on sound logic and influenced to some degree by the non-inclusion of Haigh Moor road in the original plan.
We note that the new plan now includes a section of Batley Road, from a point l4 metres south-east of its junction with Redhill Avenue to its junction with Woolin Avenue. We now understand that the Batley Road 20mph zone will start at this point and continue North West for a distance of 353 mtrs to the junction of The Orchards.
We are pleased that the logic of our proposal was acted upon accordingly however, it does not fully address our concerns.
We understand that the main driver for a 20mph limit on Batley road is the presence of Hill Top school. We would propose that the whole length of Batley Road, from its junction with Haigh Moor Road and Bag Hill Road, is residential and a pedestrian school route, thus the same reasoning could be applied.
West Ardsley Action Group have consulted with local residents and the new order was discussed at a public meeting on 2nd April 2019. The above view was strongly supported and should be given further consideration.
One of WAAGS critical remaining objections with the new plan concerns the position of the start/finish point at The Orchards junction.
The particular circumstances/topography of the section of Batley Road from Bag Hill junction to The Orchards should be further considered for extending the start/finish point of the 20 mph zone.
I refer to the East bound approach to the village, after the Bag Hill junction, which is a steepish hill with a blind summit at the School Street / Hare and Hounds Pub car park exits. Vehicles travelling in both directions have very restricted views of oncoming traffic. Due to vehicles parking on both sides of the road to each side of this summit, traffic travelling in both directions often has to enter the opposite carriageway and this restricted view greatly increases the risk of collision.
People living in houses on this particular stretch of road also have very restricted views when entering and exiting driveways with vehicles, particularly at peak times. Children also use this route to and from Hill Top school, to and from Westerton Road School and Woodkirk School. Thus, this section of road can be described as residential and a busy pedestrian route, as has been acknowledged in the case of Haigh Moor Road.
There is very often congestion on Batley road, at the junction with Hill Top Lane caused by traffic being reduced to one lane by vehicles parked on Batley Road. This is also a very busy pedestrian route to all the aforementioned local schools, particularly in the peak morning rush hour. It should also be noted that due to a recent planning application to build 299 new houses locally, there is a potential for a very large increase in pedestrian and vehicular traffic using this route in the future.
It should be noted that there are existing speed bumps on Batley road prior to Bag Hill junction and an existing speed reduction platform at the junction. This indicates it has previously been thought necessary to put a speed restriction on this road. We would argue that this should be considered as a start/finish point for the 20mph zone.
The current proposed start/finish position of the 20mph zone at The Orchards cannot be seen from the position of the aforementioned speed restriction platform. It will thus encourage drivers to increase speed again unnecessarily, only to be decreasing speed within a very short space of time, as they reach the hill summit and the 20mph sign comes into view. The effect being to produce higher than necessary exhaust emissions. (contrary to LCC policy of reducing air pollution)
An alternative would be to move the proposed 20mph start/finish point to a position at the summit of the hill, approx. at the School Street Junction with Batley Road; a further modest increase in zone length of approx. 35mtrs. Importantly this would make the signage visible much earlier to traffic, and have a very significant in effecting a greater degree of road safety.
We contend that these further extensions to the 20mph section would have no requirement for additional engineering or affect the cost of installing the zone. As there is already in place a speed reduction platform at the Baghill Junction and at the HMR junction.
Putting clearly visible signs, which can be observed from these platforms, indicating the commencement of a 20mph zone will be very effective in preventing unnecessary vehicle acceleration, and deceleration, reducing air pollution and greatly increase road safety.
I refer to the latest meeting aforementioned in this letter. Strong support was expressed, that the whole length of Batley Road from the Junction with HMR and Baghill road should be further considered for inclusion in the 20mph zone.
We agree with LCC statement of reasons ref (The objective of the 20mph speed limits are to enhance the local environment and support a culture shift for motorists driving within residential areas)
We understand that to inculcate this culture shift, drivers need to discern some reasonable logic as
to why a 20mph zone is in place.
These proposed modest extensions are not going to make any appreciable difference to driver inconvenience or travel times and, notwithstanding the inconsiderate, reckless behaviour of certain drivers, the reasoning will be understood by the majority.
To this effect, you will note we have taken a very pragmatic and logical view on our request. We are asking for an extension to the length of the Batley Road 20mph zone, which we trust will allow you to make the necessary amendments and address the concerns of local residents.
Reducing risk of accidents/incidents, putting children as risk of collateral damage and air pollution must be a priority in your consideration.
Yours sincerely
For and on behalf of West Ardsley Action Group
Peter Cowling
Chairman WAAG

Thank you to all those lovely people who geve up time on Sunay 24th March, wether it was joining a group of just doing your bit of West Ardsley, altogether over 60 bags of rubbish were taken away by Leeds City Council.
Thank you too, to a those councillors who joined us, both from our ward and Morley, Cllrs- Elliott, Garner, Kidger, Leadley, Mulherin and Renshaw.
Also to the volunteers from Wakefield Cocacola who supporteed us on our bit of Leeds Country way.


This new 20MPH speed limit Order has been issued by Leeds City Council.
We would urge local residents to review the plan of the Hill Top zone and submit their own objections and or representations via the method indicated if they chose to do so.
To make any representations concerning the proposed Order, you should write to Mr J Levine, Development Team, Legal Services, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR or e-mail specifying the grounds on which your objection or representation is made by no later than 12 noon on 8th April 2019 quoting reference A76/JL/SL031 9 – Hill Top.
WAAG believe the previous order was removed following objections raised by WAAG and others due to the failure to include certain critical sections of road within the scheme, ie. Haighmoor Road and Batley Road.
The new plan has now included the whole of Haigh Moor Road and some increase to the zone length on Batley Road, which is a great improvement however, we are of the opinion that a good case can now be made for a further moderate increase to the zone length on Batley Road.
WAAG intend to forward an objection to this specific effect, we would urge any local resident, who would like to support this to send in an objection or to attend this meeting to obtain information and help/guidance on how to object.
The number of objections/representations will be important in influencing the final plan.
A meeting will be held at the Community Centre on Batley Road Hill Top on. To inform and discuss this new order to specifically target our objections, to the Batley Road plan.
EDIT: the community meeting is to be held on Tuesday 2nd April at 7pm – the community centre, hilltop school Car park
View Document:
SL0319 Ardsley & Robin Hood Ward 20MPH Scheme