if you dread Halloween due to all the children asking for sweets, or you know an older person who feels vulnerable at this time of year, please do print off this poster from the West Yorkshire plice
if you dread Halloween due to all the children asking for sweets, or you know an older person who feels vulnerable at this time of year, please do print off this poster from the West Yorkshire plice
Thank you for your continued support
Update for West Ardsley Community Group from Councillors Lisa Mulherin, Ben Garner and Karen Renshaw, your local City Councillors for Ardsley and Robin Hood ward.
Firstly please accept our apologies for not being able to attend the meeting (9th October 2018 West Ardsley Action Group) on this occasion. We would be very happy to take up issues working with the West Ardsley Community Group following the meeting and in the meantime we thought a quick written update on some of the work we’ve been doing for West Ardsley since the last meeting might be helpful.
On the Site Allocations Plan, Cllr Mulherin and Cllr Renshaw attended the hearing in relation to West Ardsley. The inspectors have very recently issued a post-hearing note and a further response, which together provide interim views on areas of land identified as “broad locations” and finds that these should remain as green belt. This is good news locally for the sites by the reservoir car park off Haigh Moor Rd and Westerton Rd towards the reservoir. The inspectors have not yet given any indication of their views on the sites like ones around Haigh Wood that had been put forward for housing. The indication is that we will hear more about these sites later in October or perhaps November. What the inspectors have indicated is that if they modify the plan for any of these sites they would expect the Council to provide alternative sites in the same Housing Market Characteristic area.
At the last meeting, there were concerns about anti-social behaviour and people starting fires around the reservoir and the field behind Hilltop Academy. Cllr Mulherin took this up with the Police and the Council’s Youth Service. Arrangements were made for information sessions to be delivered at all of the local youth groups in the ward over the summer about the risks and dangers of starting fires and these sessions were successfully delivered by the West Yorkshire Fire Service working alongside the Council’s Youth workers. The PCSOs and Youth Workers also visited the areas affected to engage with any young people gathering.
Councillor Renshaw attended the defibrillator launch at the Hare and Hounds, alongside community fundraiser Cody Hartley. It is great to see this fantastic resource in the village and we hope that as many local residents as possible will take the opportunity to take up the training on how to use it.
Councillor Garner and Councillor Renshaw thoroughly enjoyed the first meeting of the West Ardsley In Bloom group. We have been in email correspondence with the group and with Richard Gill since to discuss options for funding a bench to go alongside one of the areas that the group are intending to plant. The Council is to provide spring bulbs to get the group started.
We have added our support to the call to ensure that Haigh Moor Road is included in the West Ardsley 20mph zone and have placed an order for the location of a Speed Indication Device on Batley Road.
On a final note, we have met with West Yorkshire Combined Authority to call for improvements to bus services in West Ardsley. We have made it clear how disappointed we are alongside local residents that the bus companies have paid no heed to the consultation that was carried out by WYCA and the bus companies last year and we are demanding a better service. We hope this is a helpful update and we look forward to seeing you soon for bulb planting if not before!
West Ardsley Action Group
Meeting minutes of Residents meeting held 9th October 2018, 7pm at Hill Top Community Centre
Apologies: Cllr Renshaw and Cllr Mulherin.
Police update – PCSO Dale attended the meeting and provided the latest crime report. We were advised that in the last month that there had been 2 residential burglaries and one attempted burglary. There were 4 other reports of theft from sheds, shops and other miscellaneous thefts, with 4 reports of stealing by finding – thefts from skips.
With regards to car thefts in West Ardsley/Tingley, despite the recent spate in July/August, there hadn’t been any reported in September. The majority of car thefts have resulted from thefts of car keys from residential properties by gangs from out of the area.
Residents who have been targeted and had property stolen and are worried or concerned of this being repeated, are advised to contact 101 and ask to speak to Witness Care.
The police have visited Haigh Moor Road with a speed gun and there were 5 stops which resulted in cautions. Reports of a Black Audi speeding and driving recklessly around schools are being investigated.
The police will be attending all the schools in the area after complaints re parking.
Drug dealing in front of Hill Top School and the Reservoir was raised with PCSO Dale who advised that all reports will be logged as intelligence.
Groundwork – Environmental Charity representative Nickie Ramsden is working with Yorkshire Water to consult with the community regarding improvements to the reservoir. Nickie spoke at the meeting to explain what the consultation is for.
Groundwork are speaking with residents and have been door knocking on Haigh Moor Road, they have a quick questionnaire which they are asking local residents and visitors to the reservoir to complete. Once the consultation is completed at the end of week commencing 15th October, Groundwork will feedback to YW and report on the issues that have been raised in the consultation. Groundwork will then write a report with recommendations for Yorkshire Water. Nickie has asked that we are specific about what we want there and just as importantly, what we don’t want there, e.g. building around the reservoir.
Groundwork are going into local schools (Westerton Academy being the first) to engage with schoolchildren. Urban Rangers will work with Year 5 and 6 children to start a campaign of what they would like and not like at the site. This will be on display in school and in the wider community and will link in with reservoir rocks. The next stage will be further consultation once YW knows what the thoughts are of the local community. Groundwork are committed to liaising with the public, the police and local councillors. It was asked why the houses opposite the car park hadn’t been visited, Nickie took this as an action and has promised that all those addresses will be visited and asked for their opinions. Jack Dunn has been involved thus far and has suggested that a Friends of Group could be formed to enhance the reservoir area.
Ardsley and Tingley Neighbourhood Watch presented on their CAR ( Crime Analysis Reporting) campaign which is being backed by our local MP Andrea Jenkyns.
The group met with our MP after concerns of a perceived spike in criminal activity and anti-social behaviour, also the length of time it takes to get through to 101.
Residents are being asked to report all crimes including speeding cars through the regular channels, 101, 999, online plus through CAR . The link to CAR is on Andrea Jenkyns website and also on the Neighbourhood Watch page. There are plans to advertise a mobile telephone number on posters around the area which will divert to Andrea Jenkyns office to help people who are not on line to log their crimes, and/or suspicions of a crime being committed.
The Crime Analysis Report is a reporting tool for local residents and all data is protected. Once a month a report will be run to identify any problem areas and also to ensure that what is being reported to the police is comparable with the local data. The aim is to establish if there is a need for increased policing in our area…. If it’s not reported, there will be no statistics recorded to show that there is an issue in this area.
There was a concern raised that crime is seasonal and as this is only a 6 month trial, it may not reflect the overall affect of crime in our area. It was however, acknowledged that we can still gain valuable data and should not delay it’s launch.
There was a concern raised that despite crimes being reported, there doesn’t appear to be any convictions. Although this is frustrating it is not always the fault of the police, it could be a CPS issue.
Speed guns- Andrea Jenkyns has written to the Police Commissioner to ascertain if the equipment and training would be available to the Neighbourhood Watch group – they are awaiting a response to this request.
The CAR is on trial for 6 months – the data will then be analysed and depending on the results may be extended and rolled out to the wider area.
In Bloom – In August a meeting was held to form a committee for the In Bloom group. The first project will be on the 28th October to do a big bulb plant around the village. Initial key locations include the grass verges on Batley Road and Baghill Road and the grass verges on Westerton Road/Constable Road. Please volunteer if you can, everyone is welcome J If you want to be included in the updates – please email westardlseyactiongroup@gmail.com
Second phase will be in front of Hill Top School (hopefully involving the pupils of Hill Top School) with a view to running the same planting theme as the Hare and Hounds.
Stage 3 would be the top of Bag Hill with a similar scheme of planting and the addition of a bench subject to consultation with the residents.
The reservoir will hopefully with support from Yorkshire Water be a future project.
The In Bloom group are constituted with a verge licence and are working closely with LCC Parks and Countryside to determine how best to enhance our area and have fun.
Haigh Wood Planning Application – the site allocation plan is yet to be decided and we are awaiting the decision from the Planning Inspector – the Broad Location sites are to be kept as Green Belt which may increase pressure on housing allocation sites.
LCC planner is to meet with the developers to discuss the Highways concerns that have already been raised to establish if these can be mitigated. Leeds City council expect that the application will be referred to Plans Panel for a decision around November/December. If the panel decide on the side of the objectors and refuse permission, the application could still go to a Public Inquiry. 2930 objections to date. Jack Dunn has raised his concern that South Leeds has taken a bigger housing allocation than Wetherby for example and has asked that with the Broad Locations being taken out of the SAP that they use this opportunity to level the allocation fairly across the city.
The proposed application at the Old White Bear site was discussed – concerns raised include the safety of Woodkirk school children crossing the site on a public right of way, an increase in the region of 2500 additional vehicles, increased pollution and access concerns. The application if successful will attempt to bring traffic off the motorway to use the petrol station despite Highways England needing to widen the slip road at the M62 /Tingley Roundabout junction due to traffic volumes. Objection letters are available and can be handed in at Syke Fish and Chip Shop. Cllr Aveyard is managing this campaign – objection letters have been uploaded to the West Ardsley Action and Community Group social media pages. (update- this has now been denied)
The 20 mph Zone for West Ardsley has been assessed again and any correspondence received from residents after the initial consultation has been considered – any changes to the zone on the back of this will need to be consulted on again and notices will go up around the village in the coming weeks. Please look out for these.
Cllr Garner confirmed the funding has gone in and the funds have been committed for the Speed Indicator Device on Batley Road prior to the junction of Baghill Road.
The Chairman of WAAG has been in communication and has met with Kirklees Councillors with regards to speeding traffic on Heybeck Lane – we will communicate the correct email address to report all issues on that stretch of road to local residents over the coming weeks.
Kirkhamgate Village met recently to discuss speeding traffic on the section of Batley Road through their village and we have taken an action to approach the group to establish what issues have been raised and to ascertain if we can work together to improve road safety along Batley Road.
Cllr Garner is in communication with Highways with regards to the Old Heybeck Lane and the likelihood of LCC adopting the lane. The sub standard road surface is causing issues with dust, noise and potential damage to vehicles, residents had been advised over 10 years ago that the road would be adopted by the council. Cllr Garner will update on this matter.
AOB …..If anyone would like to contribute to the In Bloom funding – donations can be made on line to West Ardsley Action Group, Yorkshire Bank, Morley. Sort Code 05-01-31 account 31354821. Please reference – In Bloom
West Ardsley in Bloom invites you to help us plant a LOT of daffodil bulbs on Sunday 28th October 2018
If you are able to help even just for a short while that would be great, the group is meeting at the community centre (Hilltop car park) at 10.30am
Thank you to Eddy and Joby at Yorkshire paving and landscaping for offering to dig the Baghill trench- this will be the first thing we focus on on Sunday.
We would love to see you there, dont forget your trowels/spades and some drinking water and some warm clothes!
do you know any one who can help us dig a trench with a little digger, along Batley Road before Sunday morning? the person who offered is now unable to do this but we do have Baghill covered
The West Ardsley Methodist Church is looking amazing, there are now 33 biblical scenes all hand knitted, laid out ready for viewing. A group of helpers had a lot of fun this morning setting it all out.
Everyone is very welcome to come and visit, individuals are welcome during the weekend, there will be light lunches on Saturday along with tea and cake, Sunday it will be tea and cake.
If you have a group you would like to bring to the Church, please ring this number to arrange an appointment- 01924 445593
The West Ardsely in Bloom group need volunteers please to help plant sackfulls of daffidils bulbs
Please can you let us know via the contact form or on the community facebook page if can can help with the bulb planting, this will be all around the village.
We will start phase one of the planting along Batley Road and Baghill, we hope you can join us!
Saturday 13th October and Sunday 14th October 2018
Come and see hand knitted scenes from the bible- 33 in total, the knitted bible is currently touring the UK and we are lucky enough to have it calling at West Ardsley Methodist Church
Please do pop in and have a look at this unique exhibition, refreshments and light lunches are being served through out the day at set times,
Sunday services are still going ahead and everyone will be welcomed, 10.30am and 6pm on Sunday 14th October
We now have a date for the next WAAG meeting, Tuesday 9th October at 7pm in the community centre at Hilltop school – this will be an upadate of the things that have been going on recently, including haighwoods development, West Ardsley in Bloom and local crime rates etc. The police and our local councillors have been invited to attend.
Please do come along everyone is welcome as always!
A group of like minded individuals met up at the Hare and Hounds on 21st August to get West Ardsley in Bloom going!
We were joined by Richard Gill from Leeds City Council who was there with advice and suggestions of how to get started and we were
also joined by our local elected councillors, Cllr Karen Renshaw and Cllr Ben Garner.
it was a lovely summers evening so we met in the pub garden and we felt quite inspired by the flower displays around us.
A small committee has been formed and we are firstly organsing a walk around the village to see where the in bloom boundaries are going to be located, we must be careful we do not over lap other in Bloom projects in our area, such as Lowry Road or Rein Road.
We are hoping that lots of people get involved, you dont have to be green fingered, together we are sure we can make West Ardsley a blooming fantastic place!
If you have any ideas of where needs some daffs planting or an area that needs sprucing upplease let us know
If you are a business or association who would like to be involved please do contact us by emailing Inbloom@westardsley.co.uk
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