Last night some of the local residents of West Ardsley gathered at the Hare and Hounds public house for the official opening of the new village defibrillator. Cllr Renshaw

Cllr Renshaw thanks Cody for all her hard work
was in attendance and thanked Cody Hartley for all her hard work as she continues to raise funds and awareness for defibrillators in the local area, the next one we have been told is soon to be installed in Thorpe.
A very big thank you to Mick Sykes of MJS electrical who fitted the system free of charge, true community spirit thanks Mick!

Thank you Mick for installing it
And a huge thank you to Jackie from the Hare and hounds for welcoming everyone with drinks and nibbles for the event, not to mention of course all the work she has put in to making sure the defibrillator was acquired and housed.
if its every needed ring 999 and the ambulance service will explain how to access it and use it, there will be some training sessions coming up on the 14th and 15th July 2018, details to follow shortly
Here is hoping that we never have to use it!

Jackie, Camille and Cody