Keeping West Ardsley Neat and Tidy

We have kindly been given some litter picking equipment for use in our community, by Leeds City Council, a huge thank you to Robert Finnegan for arranging this.

We have Leeds City Council bin bags, litter grabbers and some very fetching hi-vi vests!

We think it’s important that we take a pride in our community, after all, anti-social behaviour such as littering leads to more anti-social behaviour.

in the very near future we will be arranging community litter picks in various locations around our neighbourhood, including the reservoir which unfortunately has been left in an unpleasant state after the bank holiday weekend.

If you know of any areas that needs particular attention please do let us know, this week we will tackling the track at the bottom of Haighmoor Road which is part of the Leeds Country Way. unfortunately, some dog owners think it is acceptable to bag the poop and then hang those said bags from trees and fences.

Please do let your children and young people know the importance of taking litter home with them or using the nearest bin, as they will grow into adults who respect where they live.

Written by Beth