Leeds Little Free Library
Have you heard of the Leeds Little Free Library?
The Leeds Little Free Librarys were started by Carrie Frank and they are funded by the Leeds Art council along with a donation which was raised by the community. Each Library box has its own unique art work.
It is a wonderful resource in the community for book lovers
Did you know we have our own little free Library in West Ardsley? that right we do! its on Haighmoor Road near the brow of the hill, and everyone is welcome to take a book and leave a book- for free!
The book selection is rotated on a regular basis with childrens books on the bottom shelf and books for the grown ups on the higher shelf.
Happy Reading!
Hi picked up a book “of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck in Ramsbottom, of all places, near to my grandchildren’s school. Whilst I applaud the idea (anything to get children to read) I just wasn’t sure that this was the kind of book for primary school children. I could see it had been modified for children just not sure what age? It had been left on a wall and I thought the poem inside the plastic bag with the book was great and the idea a valid one. I have looked you up on “Google”. I’m not sure what to do with the book now maybe send it back to yourselves. Let me know.
Hi Thanks for your message, it maybe that the book has been swapped by the previous finder, please do feel free to leave the book else where for some one else to find, or swap it again, Thanks 🙂
Hi my daughter found a book outside Woodkirk Parish Centre. Would it be ok for me to copy the little verse and leave books that my daughter no longer wants in a freezer bag in that area. I don’t live in that area but run Rainbows there. I would leave them in West Ardsley little free library’s name. Thanks Ruth